Monday, April 25, 2011

Wrong things

I think.. I will.. I soon..

Thinking Abu life what I really wan? What I really want is not what I can get as thing is not simple as every think it is everytime when some one tell me that "u won't understand what love life is, u won't know what I feel now, u won't understand what is it to have a GF" all this thing that u all say everytime shut the f*** up what u have go though don mean people never though, u think having a GF will make u grow up?? F it men.. Just that u have the needs u want only.. U think u understand more?? Really just shut up men..

Anyway good mood here
Now at kbox with nik, Leong, Von, Anna, pei Yu, Sheng wei, Adrian, wee Beng & wee ho.. Haha what a cobi sia haha.. Though W/O nich, Avrial n cal.. Things still go on.. But so tried now a days.. Happy times are really over?? I cannot see the good times coming.. I m seeing a road W/O lamp light.. I m really thinking too much some times.. I don know.. Someone out there if u see this u may come to me and ask me why..

P.S : wo hen Xiang say out wo de me me... Hope u won't run away after hearing..

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