Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cannot think of a title Today.. it has been sometimes seem i have write my feelings out..

I have seem to FAIL a lot of times that what ever i do wont make you feel happy, how hard i try to joke with you you wont seem to like it, nothing, no matter how i wanted to pei you to make you more happier and let you know that in SH you still have me this pen you to be there for you.. but as far as i try and can see you just don take me as a friend/PY/someone that you can talk your heart out.. when ever you talk about other friends or talk to a person that u just know for like 1month.. i know you will still feel happier than talking to me.. really trying my best, may be not you don see it but than everything i try you just take it as (ya ya ya whatever) and the (ha? please just stop talking) and i did try everyday if you are working, not to be hate by you i try to stop when you are not happy i will try to ask what happen and every time you will just only give that look(not happy) and say (er.. nothing ar..) you know this have been happening after i 3rd time talk to you?? and this have been the respond i get from you every time every day.. sometime i wanted to tell you something that i wanted to share with you about myself or how the days goes and what nice thing i have.. i also dare not say anything out if you give me that respond every time i open up my mouth.. no matter where you place me as a friend, hi bye friend, just a no one, no matter what i will still place you as a good friend of mine.. if you are able to read this thats good.. if not never mind..

I know you have problem till now that haven been resolve but you have to JY ok? GE wo hui yon yuan zhe che ni de.. but if i'm gone hope that we will still contact one and other and i wont forget that day that you bought TEA and the Fruit that i like(Strawberry) really love it and with the sweets that you bought.. but than you know that wo hua ken tho ni de xin qin so do not need to hide from me k..

All of a sudden just remember that daily at work i have to do so many thing and just today only have me, rafe, eugene and Rahmen working together.. morning we have to warm boxes and do alot alot of work.. last time just thinking of the work load everyday with only the 3 of us some days just only 2 person and even i working alone on the monday.. the stress load is there and lately so many thing keep coming in and keep changing i some times work till very sian(feel like eating Ice cream).. Today i was walking in to work with no mood.. but than today a motivation came in after i go and buy breakfast when i saw a set of paper to be warm for TS counter, i saw a sticker paper on top saying (THANKS :) - NIK) just a small thing also will make me feel happy and motivated just to work in SH(for the people working around me) here i will like to say THANKS NIK K for the small note that you left, though you will not see this blog but really thanks for this that i found myself back to working hard.. because other than you only one person have been thanking me only - my info BOSS(Sheng Yang)...

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