Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Having an outing after so long at work without a real off day.. thinking that i will be happy all day long going to off for 4 days just to really relax myself and to just really rest.. but than i still start to miss how working is fun and STRESS and having the fun people around i have start to miss you all(don need to name if out as you all know who's the few wo huo xiang na only).. just talk about today was a planning long ago as to change money to Taiwan money to spend in Taiwan after changing i have found out than i m very POOR kid after all having so little money left in the bank i almost go crazy.. really don know what to do, but just think i think i can handle my own money well.. **hopefully** having a great fun at dinner with my good friends HHPY, ZXPY and ZXSM having them around we had a great time though we did not do much in the day as we only meet up at 3pm.. while having my dinner i receive a call from someone telling me what happen at the BackEnd team just enough to spoil my mood just on my 1st day of work only and this things happens.. but than over all this is not what i really care just than when go back how many things i have to handle only all the KIVs.. as some people have told me i m a happy go lucky guy and very out going person.. sometimes i also will look for people to talk to also, as i m still human after all... but i still like to hear what people have to say..

P.S:Hopping that you are the one to cheer me up though it may not be you.. just happen to think about you today hope you see this

sign off

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