Wednesday, April 27, 2011


something that i have done keep me thinking all day long.. izzit that i have say something or go to backend to work?? last time i have enough stress of info with all the crowd that keep coming in i have tank all the way till DEC 2010 and than i started to move to backend and work.. but than i did not note that the stress level if even more up there.. having a team and people keep giving me that look as i have done something wrong.. i sometimes regard going to backend, regard that why i nv stay in the frontend.. why do i have to convert to BE??? why? and now i don't know what you are thinking and i really done know what have i done wrong to make you show me the face everyday..

P.S we are going to Taiwan soon lei you know??

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wrong things

I think.. I will.. I soon..

Thinking Abu life what I really wan? What I really want is not what I can get as thing is not simple as every think it is everytime when some one tell me that "u won't understand what love life is, u won't know what I feel now, u won't understand what is it to have a GF" all this thing that u all say everytime shut the f*** up what u have go though don mean people never though, u think having a GF will make u grow up?? F it men.. Just that u have the needs u want only.. U think u understand more?? Really just shut up men..

Anyway good mood here
Now at kbox with nik, Leong, Von, Anna, pei Yu, Sheng wei, Adrian, wee Beng & wee ho.. Haha what a cobi sia haha.. Though W/O nich, Avrial n cal.. Things still go on.. But so tried now a days.. Happy times are really over?? I cannot see the good times coming.. I m seeing a road W/O lamp light.. I m really thinking too much some times.. I don know.. Someone out there if u see this u may come to me and ask me why..

P.S : wo hen Xiang say out wo de me me... Hope u won't run away after hearing..

Sunday, April 17, 2011


thinking that i should not have gone to backend but than even if i don go in i will go crazy in INFO still hanging there at the backend still having alot of problem given by my backend team, every time what they ask i will try to give them but than starting from now i will use what i have long keep in dark and haven use for a long time sometimes i tell myself that i should be more nice to people but than after today i think i will be nice and bad to my team what ever they don know i will teach them but than one last time.. i will teach them in a group if i can i will not give up till i go to taiwan.. today i just scold Eugene cos of the TRO that have been told to print full page as he ans me back why need to have the full page, cos if the IC number is wrong what happen at the same time i remember that i heard CC calling out there to me that cool down got alot of people in here but than I don care at that time..

But than still the problem have to b solve in a better way and let's hope the 2new boys will learn how to behave cow the two of them have been giving me the most problem.. Again if ther talk back I will also not hold back anymore I will just say out what I should say no ore chance lei.. Enough is enough give u all the nice look you all want to fuck it up so be it one more hit from you and you see

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cannot think of a title Today.. it has been sometimes seem i have write my feelings out..

I have seem to FAIL a lot of times that what ever i do wont make you feel happy, how hard i try to joke with you you wont seem to like it, nothing, no matter how i wanted to pei you to make you more happier and let you know that in SH you still have me this pen you to be there for you.. but as far as i try and can see you just don take me as a friend/PY/someone that you can talk your heart out.. when ever you talk about other friends or talk to a person that u just know for like 1month.. i know you will still feel happier than talking to me.. really trying my best, may be not you don see it but than everything i try you just take it as (ya ya ya whatever) and the (ha? please just stop talking) and i did try everyday if you are working, not to be hate by you i try to stop when you are not happy i will try to ask what happen and every time you will just only give that look(not happy) and say (er.. nothing ar..) you know this have been happening after i 3rd time talk to you?? and this have been the respond i get from you every time every day.. sometime i wanted to tell you something that i wanted to share with you about myself or how the days goes and what nice thing i have.. i also dare not say anything out if you give me that respond every time i open up my mouth.. no matter where you place me as a friend, hi bye friend, just a no one, no matter what i will still place you as a good friend of mine.. if you are able to read this thats good.. if not never mind..

I know you have problem till now that haven been resolve but you have to JY ok? GE wo hui yon yuan zhe che ni de.. but if i'm gone hope that we will still contact one and other and i wont forget that day that you bought TEA and the Fruit that i like(Strawberry) really love it and with the sweets that you bought.. but than you know that wo hua ken tho ni de xin qin so do not need to hide from me k..

All of a sudden just remember that daily at work i have to do so many thing and just today only have me, rafe, eugene and Rahmen working together.. morning we have to warm boxes and do alot alot of work.. last time just thinking of the work load everyday with only the 3 of us some days just only 2 person and even i working alone on the monday.. the stress load is there and lately so many thing keep coming in and keep changing i some times work till very sian(feel like eating Ice cream).. Today i was walking in to work with no mood.. but than today a motivation came in after i go and buy breakfast when i saw a set of paper to be warm for TS counter, i saw a sticker paper on top saying (THANKS :) - NIK) just a small thing also will make me feel happy and motivated just to work in SH(for the people working around me) here i will like to say THANKS NIK K for the small note that you left, though you will not see this blog but really thanks for this that i found myself back to working hard.. because other than you only one person have been thanking me only - my info BOSS(Sheng Yang)...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Having an outing after so long at work without a real off day.. thinking that i will be happy all day long going to off for 4 days just to really relax myself and to just really rest.. but than i still start to miss how working is fun and STRESS and having the fun people around i have start to miss you all(don need to name if out as you all know who's the few wo huo xiang na only).. just talk about today was a planning long ago as to change money to Taiwan money to spend in Taiwan after changing i have found out than i m very POOR kid after all having so little money left in the bank i almost go crazy.. really don know what to do, but just think i think i can handle my own money well.. **hopefully** having a great fun at dinner with my good friends HHPY, ZXPY and ZXSM having them around we had a great time though we did not do much in the day as we only meet up at 3pm.. while having my dinner i receive a call from someone telling me what happen at the BackEnd team just enough to spoil my mood just on my 1st day of work only and this things happens.. but than over all this is not what i really care just than when go back how many things i have to handle only all the KIVs.. as some people have told me i m a happy go lucky guy and very out going person.. sometimes i also will look for people to talk to also, as i m still human after all... but i still like to hear what people have to say..

P.S:Hopping that you are the one to cheer me up though it may not be you.. just happen to think about you today hope you see this

sign off

Sunday, April 3, 2011



Thinking about some of the staffs that bring me hao de zhe yi that wo pu hua wang ze, just like today ZXPY came down to pscsc but not knowing that she have bought me n soon tat bubble tea from eskemo(think spell wrongly) though i have no time to drink.. but than other that her also got Nich Ge that have bought me a box of strawberry that was from the USA(bought form supermarket), so susprise by this two people that have treat me something without me asking.. ^^ soooo not going to foeget today though that some times in pscsc time are not so good but due to people of what they say and what they do to make me stay and not just for the pay but also for the people that have gone though with me and lots of things happening..


thinking back when people say this will i have my outburst again?? thinking back don know when is the real one that happen on my friends.. sometimes having a small talk and having a small fight also will get people together as well hahaha.. sometimes people ask how come you can be so shu ban to so many people?? i myself think liao i also don know, but than understanding people is what i wanted to do from last time know people best is knowing yourself better understand people that are around you and you will have a good chance to know more friends too.. some of the people will not treat you as the friends that they wanna to be with but than as time past i know i will be his/her friends also

aside: yo si wo ye pu xiang ze xiang le..