Monday, May 30, 2011


everyone is asking the same old question about life, but the ans form most of the people will be "HARD TO SAY" cos we know that the person that you will like to say the ans to are not the one that ask, sometimes in life the person that do not care about you the most may be the one that care for you the most when he/she is not around anymore things in life are just not what you see or heard, life goes as it is trying out will make some different cos if you don try you wont know where is wrong and you wont get to where you wanted to go, in life friends are there when you need one when it comes to a point of time that you don know what happen you will also be lost and trying to find a person to talk to is not as hard as you think when tie is right i will let you all know k?

P.S doing my best to treat every fair and square, life is short, more friends than more emery are better

this is just a short blog cos i cannot log on to >>twitter<<

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