Monday, May 2, 2011

EMO for a few weeks

i have been EMO for a few weeks due to alot of problem.. but now i think im ok lei.. looking at people leaving SH keep me sad so many many times, now the one leaving was Tar hao after spending some time talking to him this few weeks and knowing him more than last makes me feel so sad when he leaves.. the last day he was working was 01/05/2011 when he come into the back room ticking my back saying "Kwang you will miss this right cos no one will do that to you at all) and he keep doing this at that time i told him yes i will miss you cos you are a good guy.. at the morning when i bought breakfast(beehoon) for alot of people i took monen back from tar hua no knowing it's his last day of working after that when i he come in ticking me i pass him back the money for the BF ask i say this is your treat though is not really exp hope you can feel the she bu de love of not wanting him to leave.. in life thing are not going as you have plan everytime, after tar hao soon leaving is anna follow by HHPY(zhao xiang) follow after fang ying, nih T, wee ho, leong will all be leaving.. and soon after most of the people i know well will not be in SH anymore..

love for everyone is unfair..

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