Monday, May 30, 2011


everyone is asking the same old question about life, but the ans form most of the people will be "HARD TO SAY" cos we know that the person that you will like to say the ans to are not the one that ask, sometimes in life the person that do not care about you the most may be the one that care for you the most when he/she is not around anymore things in life are just not what you see or heard, life goes as it is trying out will make some different cos if you don try you wont know where is wrong and you wont get to where you wanted to go, in life friends are there when you need one when it comes to a point of time that you don know what happen you will also be lost and trying to find a person to talk to is not as hard as you think when tie is right i will let you all know k?

P.S doing my best to treat every fair and square, life is short, more friends than more emery are better

this is just a short blog cos i cannot log on to >>twitter<<

Friday, May 20, 2011

so damn random

today was not a back day as Backend do not have a lot of things to do for the day just that under Urgent cases having this person name that is so sound to everyone and doing his case is like just kill them self for a lot of people but to me today i told myself why not give this person a chance as he may be good after all the TKTK and who's knows he did well in all the thing i have send to him.. as now was going to try to talk cock with Nih k but may be he really don have to mood to talk to me but it's ok as the days are drawing near to he leaving SH and have book him on the 12/06/2011 to eat lunch with him for the last time but than i have told myself that try to be nice to all the people that i have know or come across but than we knows today we got Tar Har coming back to SH to look for all of us W/O knowing he was the one helping me to massage my back i was surprise on this when i turn over as i saw him with his injure leg walking around feel so pain for him, and i also heard some friends getting separate due to some reason but than what can we do as we do not really know what the story is, and also i happen to know Raplh will only try his best with out asking help form others to help him do his work sia, only know when weebeng & Adrian speck out that he still have so many Iphone to key in when i saw i asked him if he needed help his eyes blink and told me you really wanna key in?? i say why not,

after this was the celebration for Jason Xu who is going off today with out him coming into the BE room and ask for urgent sia.. but than what ever it's we will still miss him, and now in Kbox helping to celebrate Avrial's last day at SH having one more so powerful person to leave SH so sad all of a sudden sia.. Where she will help me all the best and try to clear all the things for me when i was in the frontend team but when i work in BE now i also help her a lot sia not really a lot la but still some where will really miss her.. and than i was like so damn random blogging in Kbox hahaha but also in this day Kbox nich is not really happy about something where by he did not say but he keep coming in and out of the room to the other side of the room to see his friends think nwhat really happen even he don tell me i will just keep thinking

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

going to leave it the way it is

thing is getting clear as i hope but than a new problem start again, sometime i really think that people that cannot mitl task is a very good person, really too good till i may just miss understand them on what they are thinking.. life is just one circle after and other thing have been going on seen i was in SEC school, life have been the same as it come and go but than now in SH things is even faster than what i have go though, tough time has come and go.. everytime i have problem i will find nik to talk as he makes me feel good talking to him even i will also talk to nich abu the problem i have too.. but than i still very sian sometimes wanna talk to you but than just that you cannot mitl task and i just walk away not to dispute you.. may be just that you have things to do ba.. just to say it out on this blog..

today over all is a great time well spend, with all the work doing in backend and than after that we going celebrate sengwei b'day, but than the surprise was gone after von, periyu and YP say it out in the back room with sengwei inside W/O them knowing than i look over to sengwei and he turn over and i say O no gone... so damn sad sia i really know how it feels when the surprise was gone cos sengwei don even know we are going to celebrate his b'day sia.. really at that point of time only nich know how it feels..

P.S too much problem do not know where to start telling

thank you von, py, nik & ah beng for asking..

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kind kwang

m i too kind hearted? or m i just a fool?

thinking back why m i so helpful some times? why do i go so far to help someone how come i have to do so many thing to be kind and just to get a word or thanks you?
too kind also fell bad not too kind also feel bad.. But NVM i will still keep being a good guy no matter what to all the nice people that i have come across, cos i feel good sometime to be kind though you wont get know well or get recognize but than what ever you do in life is not going to be what you can get back in life so just think the good way and than you wil leave happily :) with a smile and you will get on with it..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

don know what to do?

after a show i have watch in PScsc computer than some people atsrt asking me what happen to me in life as i myself also don know how to ans them.. people lik von, pei yu, wee beng knowing thing have been wrong lately and me myself haven get over it as i have told myself not to think abu all this stupid thing again.. life is just unfair.. i thinking is when looking at people on how well they can get together and people have been caring for others and i have been quite for quite a long time and thing is still not going as well as it is now adays thinking of going back to info sometimes.. sometimes think izzit me myself and i only that is thinking abu all this very small little things and not trying to open up at all.. try my best everyday to talk to you but for ever it's the same thing over and over again like that face you have been giving me... just so sian when you don event know what is the problem that is going on...

should i just Q this company and than go into a new job really so sian and tried sometimes...

Thank for the caring my friends(Starhub Peep)

P.S hope time will be good after you have leave though i will miss you alot as a Good Friend even if you don take me as one


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Training at SHG

Coming to SHG was a new thing.. To do training for empolye account.. Don really know how to do it but than now the day will start soon as time now is 8.58am working till 5pm only don know how this day will be

Time now 11.31pm
Just been train On how to add in ves and remove ves for empolye account.. So damn easy sia.. We have Celine ho, choon hong george sim, benices and myself.. With 2com Only haha..

Time now 2.23pm
After having a not that short break we are back in the office to do training again, lunch was great we have something lik "KFC" was at paya laber the chicken was great so damn nice.. After lunch we took a cab back, the cab was damn hot WTF sia...

time now 6.00pm
and this is the last min of staying in SHG and i m back to PScsc to work lei..
going home with what i hvae learn today and the people i know..

P.S Love today..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One mood affect the others

"one mood affect the others"

This is so damn truth by looking at other peoples mood will only affect yours as well.. Just lik when they mood swang and you by right is On a good mood but affected by them u as well will just go into the unhappy mood not knowing where the u have fallen in lobe of just normal friends love.. Sometimes it feel so F up when they show you the look.. sometime we human just have to have a prostive thinking

P.S life is short enjoy it when you can :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

EMO for a few weeks

i have been EMO for a few weeks due to alot of problem.. but now i think im ok lei.. looking at people leaving SH keep me sad so many many times, now the one leaving was Tar hao after spending some time talking to him this few weeks and knowing him more than last makes me feel so sad when he leaves.. the last day he was working was 01/05/2011 when he come into the back room ticking my back saying "Kwang you will miss this right cos no one will do that to you at all) and he keep doing this at that time i told him yes i will miss you cos you are a good guy.. at the morning when i bought breakfast(beehoon) for alot of people i took monen back from tar hua no knowing it's his last day of working after that when i he come in ticking me i pass him back the money for the BF ask i say this is your treat though is not really exp hope you can feel the she bu de love of not wanting him to leave.. in life thing are not going as you have plan everytime, after tar hao soon leaving is anna follow by HHPY(zhao xiang) follow after fang ying, nih T, wee ho, leong will all be leaving.. and soon after most of the people i know well will not be in SH anymore..

love for everyone is unfair..