Monday, March 21, 2011


so long haven been blogging just writing diary:

Thinking back i have left alot of people out of my life just to earn money at SH, working at SH having no singtel signal making me not able to send SMS out.. sometimes at work i feel like SMS-ing someone that i can talk to though he/she wont really know how it feels, i really need to sms, times to times i have this chong dong to just walk out of the room and just find some Ice-cream to eat just to keep cool, having the work load just at backend is high enough to make me be angry to anyone.. trying hard to cool my self every time not to explore out in the room.. thinking when ever i off/RD the very next day how many recon and follow ups i have to do is one more stress..

some times wanna talk to people that come in to the backend room, but work done give me time, but now i have 6 people in my team hope everything will go well in the upcoming days, teaching new guys is hard some times but thinking how they can help me in the future there make a little smile on my face..

today just had a dinner with ZXPY thinking that she will tell me why so random asking me to eat dinner with her, so i waited but some how some topic bring me to ask her that y qus and i understand why she asked me out for dinner..

having so much thinking i also think back m i having too many people secret? but i don think so lei.. just that i may be a bit bitchy >.< style="font-weight: bold;">SORRY FRIENDS THAT I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY

PS: i miss you even if you are just so near to me

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