Thursday, June 16, 2011

Days in Taiwan (13/06/11 - 22/06/11)

Till now I'm still not able to call back to my mum phone don really know the reason, but was doing really fine here in TW having fun with ZXPY, HHPY & FY with them around we had alot of fun

Talking Abu the 1st day
We where flying and taking bullet train to kaoshou to stay in motel for the 1st n 2nd night.. With Tat the 1days was for travel

2nd day
We when to kenting for he fun and what we have plan from the motel to only kenning wad NT$1600(4pax) after that we meet this Mr Wu same sir name as me when he bring us around to play feel abit bad when I cut the whole price package to NT $4200 for the whole day and the way back to the motel he was a really best uncle I can say so into teakno and so young in the heart showing us all the way and water sports me and HHPY hot sun burn on the water sports ride having that I think the sun or the shirt of the water sport is not clean I got ruses over my body.. Feelling sad and bad things come along lik the seafood we when for kind to help clean the plate the greyve drop onto my pants and my bag so damn sad sia... But the whole day was tried and fun

Thx you Mr Wu for the whole kenting trip

3rd day
Today was also a traveling day for 4 of us not able to get to the motel by 3pm cos we cannot find the place we took sometime to find it.. Nicely when we walk in she told us the room is small and not good we add bed is NT$1000(2bed) per night or we can get a bigger room for NT$1100 per night so we took the offer and the room number was room 666 so big number and big room sia.. We when dinner and FY told me that just by looking at me eating food the food looks so nice sia.. Hahaha

4th day
It was a theme park ride we when for so many many ride that we can take was so find and good this days was also tried day.. Due to to many games at once, old Liao cannot take it hahaha... The day was lik GG fast game on this trip we also have alot of joke till we LOL alot of time too.. The dinner was really great we spend lik NT$70 per pax back to the motel we have our own games and play number game who lost will be make up so we have so many photos on this.. It's great.. Hahaha

5th day
Today was a trevaling day to hua len.. When we reach here we wanted to take cab to the motel but a cab driver(lady) took us there and we when the some of the nice place in hua Len took alot of photos and I think HHPY is really tried and he did not talk much and feel like he is pea chk.. But the night market is great in some ways lar.. Hopefully me myself will stay nice and don get angry so easily

6th day
Today we when out to a place with alot alot alot of rock, stone and river place where we also climb the cliff and many many steps and the rocks from different kind of shapes till we have fun just looking at it.. We also when to the hotels and the resort hotel where rainie yang's show zao ho jue ting ai shin ni

7th day
Talking abut today I think life have change alot in Any ways lik today is father day friends ZXPY asking me call my father Liao ma? But I did not ans as my father is now in Malaysia and I haven see him in a month or 2? Don know why starting to emo? Again.. Hai you sone times really have to go out with some people that you really can talk and go along with lik when you are sad or left out someone will take to you and not every time being the back up.. I don think alot Of people will understand this.. Ok back to talk Abu the day.. When we reach the hotel in taipei when we though we won't need to find the hotel but it was the wrong hotel we reach there was one more, after we put down our bag(haven check in yet) we left for the Zoo and HHPY went to find his friend so we Break to go the the places we are going, we went for Taipei ZOO.. Looking at all the animal we wanted is to look at the pandas but only have two in the zoo, after we went for 101 to see the view of taipei and we when back to our hotel to change to slipper than go out shopping for things at ximending where I draw out NT $10000 cos really not enough sia... And dinner we had KFC I had grill chicken so god damn nice just like SG pizza dram stick gonna miss it when back to SG.. Still got alot of things to buy.. :)

8th day
We went for a jade expo where we see all the jade so many many of them till we spend like 2hrs and also don't forget the painting from Qing Des after than we Break with HHPY so that he can go and meet his GGF staying at Taiwan so the 3(FY, ZXPY & ME) when to Yao ming shin to see all the nice place so we when to this information station where we walk for 0.6Km feels lik 1Km when we reach there we ask where is the hot spring where we also wanted to see the nice spot of where the foot place are but we when by bus due to too little time we have so at the end of the bus stop we when to this hot spring where we check into this hotel room for towel and the hot spring water smell like rotten egg to us but we still pao into the hot spring water in the hotel room(guy and guy, girl and girl) after we when to shilin yea shi to shop and play after we came back to xi men ding to collect a band I bought for my friends we still continue to shop and we went back to the hotel late and HHPY is still not back yet we all was worry for him as the time is 12.30am(21.06.2011), not long after 12.40am he reach back to the hotel and we had a night pillow fight till 3plus plus than we went to sleep

9th day
Today we all wake up late as we all went for the mee shung in xi men ding as the shop open only at 11am daily after food we when to one more expo of Mao Shang don if I m not wrong forget at where lei.. After we when for a ride to buy this tai ying pen at some where I also forget where I remember today half way rain and I bought 60tai ying pan/feng lee shu HHPY ZXPY and FY was like looking at me with the stung face due to all of us having so many things we when back to our hotel(wonstar) to drop things that we bought after we when to dinshu to buy ah pao tai ting, 1st we when to the bridge at dinshu follow we when back to the station was so hard to find the eggs we wanna buy so we went around asking where we can buy where is the street and after a long walk at last we found the shop where it sells after buy happily we when to one more yea shi where it's so little people around but we try some food that was nice on the net itself not long after we when back to Xi men ding again to continue shopping where FY and ZXPY bought bags again.. Hahaha.. So I follow HHPY to see the sticker cards and he bought like 6 of them once back at the hotel he pass me and FY one each I was surprise and wanted to buy something back too as it's a gift to remember too.. And not to forget we also when to this dao dao shop where we can catch toys where I remember when my army times I when to the same shop cos the staff service was GREAT we had log of toys from there too.. Where I know we all are getting more and more tried day by day cos of the long walk(everyday) and the games we play(water sport, card games, sleep late)

Last day
Today we woke up early as we are going to eat the MAC breakfast(double pig pate with egg) but we are too late as we reach there at 11am THEY HAVE CHANGE TO THE LUNCH MEALS so were so sad leaving the place and when to the cos play shop to eat bake pastes and we meet weeho there too as he is going to pass us the fight confirmation paper after BF we went to long shin temple to pray the weather was so hot till all of us are sweating after we left the temple we were back to xi men ding once again to shop and to play the toy catching game again.. With so little time and so many things to do we have to go back to the hotel to pack our staff and get ready to go to the airport to take the fight back to Singapore and to end the good trip to Taiwan and also to face the up coming battle, challenge and realty of life also at the airport HHPY once again give us gift to end this trip as what he say so in return I gave him the Dog and a coin wallet.. so coming to the end of this 10days of Taiwan trip I wish all of the good luck in study and do well in life and relationship.. I really wish we will have one more trip together some time in the further..


Saturday, June 11, 2011


Once again in army 10062011 ICT last day, when all is gather around was giving out something that good Ns men will have a reward getting a $100 safra voucher where by I was one of them too.. But without knowing my name call out number 4 wow.. But than once again no o e see what I have done.. Today mob activeing seeing my 2IC who never come in for the TCI..feel wired upon seeing him don really know him as a 2ic hahaha.. hope next ICT will be a good and i still can tahan the materdor weight.. going taiwan tml and will be back to work after 10days..

P.S - people will not be the same after 1 years or even 1day life still have to go on